Ministry Development Course

Ministry Development Course


The C3 Ministry Development Course is designed to equip the local church family to prepare generations for transformation. Men and women will receive training for ministry foundations, ministry development, leadership development, and ordination for pastoral leadership. The goal is to equip the body of Christ for healthy ministry in the local church and market place, missional living in the world, and church planting to fulfill the Great Commission.

The C3 Ministry Development Course is relationally structured through the leadership of the local church. All course applications, materials and books, ministry certificates, ministry license, and ordinations are processed through the local church. The M.D.C. is flexible to fit the functionality of each local church.

We recommend each partnering church to establish a Ministry Development Team, led by a Ministry Development Director. Under the leadership of the senior pastor, this team can lead all operations of the M.D.C. in a way that best fits the vision of the local church. This team can help transform members into ministers and missionaries at the local church level, while connecting to larger body of Christ.

Levels of Ministry:

Level 1 – Lay Minister
Every member of the body of Christ is a minister.  A Lay Minister is not ordained or licensed for pastoral leadership in the local church, but serves as an everyday minister to build up the body of Christ.

Level 2 – Licensed Minister
A Licensed Minister is one who is pursuing a call to become an ordained minister.   This time of ministry training and development is the next step to becoming an Ordained Minister.  A Licensed Minister is commissioned to conduct some aspects of pastoral ministry.

Level 3 – Ordained Minister
An Ordained Minister is one who has demonstrated the call of God upon their life for pastoral leadership in the local church.  An Ordained Minister is commissioned to conduct all aspects of pastoral ministry.

Four Levels of Ministry Development:

Each level is divided into two semesters.  Lay Ministers participating in the M.D.C. will receive a certificate for ministry, prayer and impartation for ministry activation and anointing for each of the first three levels.

Those who desire to become licensed and ordained with CTMF will receive credentials for completing all four levels.   Those who are currently pastoring a local church, ministry, or missions organization, and are seeking to be licensed or ordained with CTMF should contact us. 

Level 1 – Foundation of Ministry 
Students will be equipped with a healthy foundation for ministry.   First level includes Playing From The Second Chair by Rick Clendenen, Spiritual Gifts Discovery by Rick Clendenen, and Foundation Truth by Dr. Dale Yerton.

Level 2 – Ministry Development
Students will continue to discover, develop, and deploy their unique ministry gift-mix. This will prepare the students for effective ministry in their specific area of calling (worship, media, children, youth, small groups, administration, prayer, market place ministry, missions).

Level 3 – Leadership Development
Students will be equipped with essential principles and practices for healthy leadership and followship.

Level 4 – Ordination for Pastoral Leadership
Students will receive training in all areas of pastoral leadership (personal life, sermon preparation, team building, administration and finances, government structure, church planting).

Class Requirements

The class requirements for each level include completion of all video and reading assignments, participation in M.D.C. small group through the local church,  confirmation of ministry involvement in the local church, and completion of a simple end-of-semester written assignment.

Each level is broken up into two semesters throughout the year.  All aspects of class management and scheduling, from application to completion certificate (or ordination), are processed through the Ministry Development Team of the participating local church.


Time Commitment

The time commitment will vary depending upon how your local church structures the small group component.  We encourage the following time commitment as a general guideline:

  • 1 hour of personal study five days a week during the semester.
  • hours of small group participation every week, or every other week.


Financial Commitment

The financial commitment of each level is $120.  This includes all books, videos, and completion certificates (or ordination for level four).  Since each level is divided into two semesters of the calendar year,  each level equals a financial commitment of $10 a month.  Some sponsorships may be available through your local church.  You can give your financial commitment online through the C3 website.

Please contact us at to sign up and receive your books for the course.

Click here to print application
Application must be processed through the pastoral leadership of your church.



Lessons are soon to be updated

For questions or more info

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