Missions and Church Planting

Missions Gallery

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Imagen 3

South Africa

Imagen 3

South Sudan

Initiatives Gallery

Imagen 1

Building Churches

60% of our churches meet under a tree to have their services. 100% of what you give goes directly to the most urgent area of need.

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Imagen 2

Bible Distribution & Foundation Truth

Access to God’s Word is always a pressing need. Many do not have a hard copy of the scriptures in their own languages.

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Imagen 3

Wells Constructed

Unclean drinking water is the #1 killer of people worldwide. The cost for digging a well varies depending on geological challenges.

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Imagen 4


Our church planters plant churches in dangerous, remote areas. Many walk hours to bring the gospel to people who have never heard it.

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Churches planted since 2010


People being discipled


Churches planted since December 2021


What is?

A. Church Planting. 2010 to Present.

Over 152,000 have been reached with the Gospel. These are all conservative numbers.

-140 Churches planted since 2010. *These are first generation churches. Does not include those that have multiplied.

-Over 14,000 people are actively being discipled in those churches.

-35 Students graduated from the CTC Program in February 2023.

-18 New Church Planters began a New Orientation Church Planting Program.

-31 Churches have been planted since December 2021.

Total number of churches planted before 2010.

In addition to these 140 churches that have been planted from 2010 to the present in Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and South Sudan. Before 2010, while partnering with Rick Clendenen, more than 600 churches were planted in India, Indonesia, South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland making it a total of 740 churches through the CTC program.

Of ALL the resources given to ALL of the mission organizations around the world, only 1% goes to the unreached. This year because of your support. You have helped to plant 12 new churches in some of the most remote, difficult, and unreached areas on the continent of Africa. To date, these 12 churches have reported that 2043 people who previously had never heard the gospel have given their lives to Christ and are actively being discipled in these churches. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

B. Conferences, Leadership Training, Disaster Relief.

In addition to church planting. C3 also provides Conferences, Leadership Training, Local, Regional and Global Disaster Response.



A Community Transformation Centers (CTC) is a Kingdom centered, Biblical and vocational style training center, which trains indigenous missionaries to become agents of transformation to their particular region of the world. The philosophy that undergirds the CTC is primarily based on the Biblical view of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God, that Jesus preached and demonstrated in His life, serves as a blueprint that shapes our efforts in the CTC. Jesus carried out His ministry through what has become known as “The Principle of 12”. He spent the majority of His time discipling and developing twelve men that in tum, would impact the world through their ministries.

By virtue of the fact that the centers, where students are trained, will be situated within local communities, we are able to immediately establish direct links with the locals. This also helps us inculcate the idea that transformation begins in the local community by a process of Christ-like incarnation and identification. From such a base, we facilitate a learning process that includes a thorough and rigorous study of the Word of God, an opportunity to learn a comprehensive set of vocational skills and regular openings to be personally involved in practical community work of various kinds. In other words, the CTC students are trained both in the theory and practice of community involvement by providing them the skills and experience to interact particularly with the spiritual, social, economic and psychological realms of individual and community life, with the view to impact the given society for Christ. The CTC will seek to bring about radical transformation within the community that they are involved in.

The remarkable feature of the CTC is that it is a Bible school, a vocational training center, and a mission base integrated into one whole. As a Bible school, students are taught the Word of God by qualified teachers. The curriculum adopted, which includes “Introduction To The Bible”, “Christian Doctrine”, “Church History”, “Christian Ministry”, “World Missions” etc. is equal to any offered by conventional institutions of that nature. In fact, due to the rigorous and intense training, students are able to receive an Associates Degree in Bible within a one year period of time.

As a vocational center, the CTC is a place where students gain a set of vocational skills that would enable them to remain financially independent after they complete the training offered. The skills, be it of an agricultural, a technical, or a service orientation, will provide students a much needed vocational ability that would pave the way for them to be efficient ‘tent-makers’ for the Lord in the locality in which they decide to live. As tent-makers, students who graduate from the CTC would be encouraged to pursue both the trade that they have honed as well as continue ‘missions’ in their locality, enabling the community to be developed.

As a mission base, regular periods of fieldwork, which have been incorporated into the timetable of the CTC, allow the students to gain practical hands-on experience in interacting with the local communities on various levels. During these times, with the help of the faculty, students will be required to systematically survey the local area, identify issues that require attention, and devise strategic programs to serve the people. In this module, students are expected to learn about, as well as be in involved, in missions in a most effective and worthwhile manner.

Churches have been planted in South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Romania.  Below is a map showing some of the church plants.


We believe that the CTC plan is a mission strategy that gives equal attention to the spiritual, social-economical, and physiological needs and desires of the students as well as the people to whom the mission is directed. This mode of training equips students to be spiritual leaders for life while significantly impacting a particular area over a considerable period of time. This is a holistic approach to missions and mission training that is both creative and comprehensive, effective and enduring. This strategy will faithfully serve the long-term prospects of the cause of the Kingdom of God throughout the world.


The CTC provides a means of interaction between the church and the community, resulting in effective change, both spiritually, and economically. Through the CTC, the local community will be the recipient of this combined effort, bringing the entire community into contact with the life and Lordship of Jesus Christ. To initiate such a project, several steps that to be taken. They are:

  1. Identification: The first step in the establishment of a CTC is to identify a suitable location. Initially, we would embark on a survey of a selected area studying the possibilities of establishing and operating a CTC there. This is done to identify people groups, test their responsiveness to the Gospel, assess the suitability of the location for the holistic mission effort of the CTC, and develop relationships with other churches or agencies that may be in the vicinity. Next, we would need to select a suitable person who would be the ideal candidate to manage the affairs of the local CTC. The prospective correspondent would have to be theologically trained, experienced in missions, sympathetic to our goals, and also prepared to work along with us in all honesty with full integrity. Then, with the help of the newly appointed correspondent, 12 suitable students will have to be selected by an application and interview process.
  2. Orientation: After the identification process, the correspondents and students are brought together for an orientation seminar. Here, they are given an introduction to the functions of a CTC, its demands and benefits, their responsibilities, and privileges. During this seminar, they also get to know their batch-mates and establish relationships with their peers. The CTC staff and personnel would also be introduced at this time to help all concerned feel a part of the family.
  3. Implementation: Once these steps have been completed, the CTC is formally inaugurated, by a special service of dedication, at its actual location. This is done to establish and strengthen deep relationships and create, among the local community, a sense of ownership of the project. Soon after this, the CTC begins operation. The lifespan of the CTC follows a system of three terms, each consisting of one-month residential classes followed by three months fieldwork. During the residential classes, students are taught by qualified faculty. The main theme of the curriculum focuses on:
  • Twenty-One Portraits of Christ
  • Miracle Evangelism
  • Authority of the Believer
  • The Church Triumphant
  • The Ministry Gifts
  • Supernatural Living
  • Life of Christ
  • Foundation Truth
  • Patterns for Living
  • New Creation Image
  • Praise & Worship
  • Developing the Leader Within You
  • Developing the Leader Around You
  • Principle of 12
  • Leadership Training
  • Beginning a Cell Church
  • Training Leaders
  • Prayer-Bringing Heaven to Earth
  • Prayer
  • Each Student Facilitate a Cell Group in Class

Summary: Over the course of a year, the students receive 300 hours of Biblical training after which they will receive an Associates Degree in Bible.

In addition to this introduction, students will develop strategic partnerships with community leaders that will enable the community transformation center to become an intricate part of the life of the community, imparting skills and empowering the people to become self-supporting.

  1. Evaluation: The correspondent’s and student’s performances and progress are critically monitored both weekly and monthly. In addition to random inspection both by independent personnel and ourselves, the correspondent and students are required to submit regular weekly and monthly reports to us. This is carefully scrutinized and studied to maintain quality at all levels. In addition, students will have to undergo a series to tests throughout the year and a set of examinations at the end of the year. Students will be expected to be proficient both in theory and in practice. This will ensure that the training imparted is learned well and is making a difference in the student’s life.
  2. Completion: At the end of two years, a graduation ceremony will be held for those students who have successfully completed the course. At this time, the diploma earned will be presented to each successful student. During this service, the students will be released into the mission of being ambassadors for Christ in their local communities. We believe that these steps contribute to make this a most rigorous, effective and challenging method of training and practice in holistic Christian missions. It is our vision that the local community will be transformed as the project title suggests and that the Kingdom of God will be expanded around the world. Through the CTC, grassroots efforts will be created within the communities that will significantly impact the nations and the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

Having explained the basics of the CTC program, this section seeks to answer any questions that may have arisen in the reader’s mind. It is presented in a question/answer format with the hopes of helping you fully understand the proposal.

What is the goal of CTC?

The primary aim of the CTC is to contribute to the building and expansion of the Kingdom of God in the world and to promote its values among the students as well as the constituency served. The CTC exists to train native missionaries to be theologically qualified, vocationally skilled, and practically experienced servants of God.

What is unique about the CTC approach?

CTC is unique because it seeks to promote the Kingdom of God in an effective holistic manner, combining a Bible school, vocational training institute, and church planting mission base in one.

What is the timetable for a CTC?

The timetable is two years, divided into six terms, each consisting of one-month residential classes and three months fieldwork. At the end of the two years, the community and church will be able to be self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating.

What will be the results of the CTC?

1.  Twelve students will be trained in theology, practical missions with a focus on community development, and vocational skills helping them to become financially independent.

2. The establishment of a cell-based church.

3. The establishment of a community transformation center imparting those skills learned to the local people.

How do we hope to accomplish this vision?

We seek to reach the unreached people groups of the world with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. This can only be accomplished through partnership with local congregations and Christian businessmen and organizations that carry the same vision for impacting the world. We believe God to enable us together to join hands in bringing closure to the Great Commission and glory to His Name.


Support a Church Planter

Alex Apia


A. Pray for the Ugandan People to come to Christ.
B. Pray the New Church Plant would Win Souls and Make Disciples.
C. Pray that the Power of Witchcraft and Spiritualism be broken over the area.
D. Pray that these new church plants would be able to provide Literacy training, Orphan Care and for the partnerships of humanitarian aid ministries and workers to meet the vast needs of  the people in this area.

Alex Ondonga


A. Pray for the Church Planter to be effective in Reaching the Unreached.
B. Pray the New Church Plant would Win Souls and Make Disciples.
C. Pray for literacy projects to have a great impact across the nation in order to unlock the resources in print
D. Pray that resources be released to meet the vast spiritual and physical needs exist in the country.

Mangwi Micheal Martin


A. Pray for the Church Planter to be effective in Reaching the Unreached
B. Pray the New Church Plant would Win Souls and Make Disciples.
C. Pray that this new church plant would be able to provide orphan care, vocational and literacy training to help empower thier people to break free from the chains of poverty.
D. Pray that resources he released to meet the vast spiritual and physical needs exist in the country.

Obote Juma


A. Pray for the Sudanese People to come to Christ.
B. Pray the New Church Plant would Win Souls and Make Disciples.
C. Pray that a Peace Agreement would be reached and honored by all parties involved.
D. Pray for James’ safety as he travels to share the gospel with the unreached and that
Humanitarian Aid such as Food, Clean Drinking Water &Shelter would be provided to those in need.

Francis Lauchario


A. Pray for the Sudanese People to come to Christ.
B. Pray the New church Plant would Win Sous and Make Disciples.
C. Pray that a Peace Agreement would be reached and honored and the war would cease.
D. Pray that Humanitarian Adi such as: the basic necessities of Food, Clean Drinking Water and shelter would be provided to those in need.